An Open Letter to Steve Ballmer


“Microsoft is not the problem. Microsoft is the symptom.” Dear Steve, It’s taken 30 years, but Steve Jobs is finally kicking your ass, and you are starting to look like Wile E. Coyote chasing after the Road Runner. Soon, Apple will own the consumer and drain business accounts away from you faster than you can […]

Pull & the Semantic Web


This is what people said about Pull when it came out: Scott Brinker, Chief Marketing Technologist: “I love it. This is exactly what’s needed to bring the conversation about the semantic web to a higher level that marketers and business stakeholders can appreciate.” Dave McComb, Semantic Arts: “This is a great book for getting a […]

Mike Bergman – Semantic Business Intelligence


Mike Bergman is one of the most important people blogging about information today. His web site is full of key statistics and insights. I used his information while writing Pull. Today, I want to draw your attention to just two of his fantastic articles and let you explore the rest. The first is Untapped Assets: […]

The Social Networking Bubble


We are now in a social networking bubble. Social networking is useful, but it’s overvalued. We’ve overstated and overemphasized the utility of social networking and are now in a marketer’s “greater fool” territory. The social aspects of life and work are only a piece of the puzzle, and I don’t think they are the biggest […]

The Open Web Movement: A Call to Action


I’m starting to get upset. I want to yell “FREEDOM!” at the top of my lungs, hoping someone in the mainstream press will hear. Do you remember the movie Braveheart? It’s the story of William Wallace, who gave his life as a symbol for freedom against opressive rulers. It was a moving story, because Wallace […]

How Semantic is Facebook?


Now that Facebook is bigger than the United States and Canada, let’s see how well prepared it is for the future of pull and the semantic web. This post is a series of small observations about how Facebook does things for us, putting it in the context of the principles of my book, Pull. Contacts. […]

Metadata – the New Language of Marketing


Monday I talked about the social networking bubble. Marketers are getting sucked into the social-networking vortex and can’t find their way out. The problem is that most companies are trying small tactical improvements, hoping to improve sales a bit and trying tactical savings programs, hoping to improve margins a bit. Yet there’s a whole new […]

Review Of The Aldyn 60 Riverside Drive


I wanted to write a review for others considering moving here. There are several parts to this review: Summary for Renters Ashley vs Aldyn Amenities Lobbies and Staff Sales Process Throughout Entries Kitchens Bathrooms Heating Final Notes for Renters Final Notes for Buyers Summary for RentersIf you have kids or are a work-out fanatic with […]